Crystal Blanton

Crystal Blanton

Senior Substance Use Disorder Services (SUDS) Advisor

Crystal Blanton is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker that works in both micro and macro

social work. She joins the California Alliance of Children and Family Services and Catalyst Center with over 25 years of experience in non-profit behavioral health programs. She was a Clinical Program Manager for Lincoln Families for the past 8 years and worked on their Management Equity Team for 5 years. Crystal has also run a small therapy practice since 2018. 

Crystal worked for 16 years in substance abuse treatment and management at New Bridge Foundation; working in both adolescent and adult treatment. She has been fortunate to facilitate restorative justice circles and different types of trainings in multiple agencies, conferences and

communities. Crystal is a strong advocate for social justice and volunteers her time and services in support of equity and racial justice.

She is an active member of the National Association of Social Workers and has been a member since 2013.